Open Letter to Health Ministers Across Canada to Take Action to Protect Public Health Care

Protect Public Health Care for all Canadians: Stop Private Clinics and Unlawful User-fees and Extra-billing of Patients

The Ontario Health Coalition, in partnership with the provincial and territorial health coalitions and the Canadian Health Coalition, has been working tirelessly to bring an end to the unlawful extra-billing of patients by private health clinics and stop the privatization of health care services. Private clinics undermine public health care and equal, universal health care for all Canadians by billing public health plans (like OHIP) and also billing patients extra user fees, sometimes amounting to thousands of dollars for medically needed care. This is unlawful under the Canada Health Act and it causes hardship and growing inequity.

OHC has written an Open Letter to all Provincial and Federal Health Ministers in Canada calling upon them to uphold the Canada Health Act, stop two-tier user fees and extra-billing of patients, and stop privatization. Our goal is to get 1,000 organizations to sign on to the open letter. To read the letter and sign on, please click here.